Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The REAL problem with news media.

Drudge Report is now headlining what The Ouijaboard talked about YESTERDAY. Sure the major news media giants messed things up again. There's money to be made by the suffering of others. That's one of the reasons there are crews "weathering the storm" as Rita hits land.

This latest incident with all the false reports of suffering, rapes, killing and so on is just typical of any live on-the-scene news casts. Every major news group is SO desperate to be the first on the scene with the latest and most accurate stories that they don't give a crap about accuracy or reliable sources at all. I used to back FoxNews because they were more "fair and balanced". Whatever. I should have known better than to trust a company that hired Geraldo Revera. Loser. And Shepard Stone just creeps me out. Comcast took FoxNews off my list of available stations and replaced it with The Disney Channel. I would rather watch Raven and Kim Possible anyway.

I watched a lot of the Katrina events as they unfolded and fell prey to the reports of snipers, raping of babies and uncountable amounts of dead bodies in the streets. I have learned a valuable lesson here.

Never listen 100% to what the media says. I might listen about 25% now. If that.